Berkshire University FAQ

You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got Answers.

Let’s face it: life gets busy.

Sometimes it feels like your schedule controls you, not vice versa.

At Berkshire University, we believe online education should adapt to your schedule. It’s education on your terms.

You determine the pace, and complete coursework anytime and anywhere there’s a web connection.

Through that web portal, a whole world can open up.

At Berkshire University, we combine advanced simulation software and web-based networking with good old-fashioned personal attention to create a virtual learning environment that is both stimulating and engaging. No doubt, you have questions. So, here are the answers to some of the most common ones.

Is a degree earned online equivalent to one earned on campus?

Yes, the curriculum, learning standards, and graduation requirements are exactly the same. The fact is that online degree programs differ from traditional programs in one respect only; the method of delivery. With modern simulation software and a wide variety of forums, social media, chat, and text options, online students are now able to interact with faculty members and students to a degree that was previously not possible. You can learn from highly respected faculty members who provide the same level of academic rigor and assessment found in almost any traditional classroom environment.

Will my degree indicate that it was earned online?

Online is only the delivery system for your program—your degree has the same value as one earned in seat. Therefore it will appear the same in print: Berkshire University.

Are Merkshire University’s online programs fully-accredited?

Online is only the delivery system for your program—your degree has the same value as one earned in the seat. Therefore it will appear the same in print: Berkshire University.

How long will it take for me to complete my degree?

Berkshire University offers classes year-round. By taking two classes during every 5-week term, you can earn your Bachelor’s degree in just 2.5 years or an Associate’s degree in 1.5 years.

Can I take part in graduation ceremonies if I earn my degree online?

There are many agents in many countries and many of their graduation parties are available you can participate through them or if you stay in the country giving the certificate can participate in the donor country.

What are online courses really like?

First and foremost, they are highly interactive and engaging. Advanced simulation software and robust communication tools allow you to converse with faculty and classmates, as well as work on group projects. Many students have told us they’ve met some of their best friends while attending class online.

I’m employed full-time; will I have time to complete an online degree?

Yes, although it will be challenging. Berkshire University’s online programs are designed to be flexible and convenient, and they are ideal for the working professional. We have an accelerated track or a normal track and you decide how fast or how slow you wish to proceed based on your schedule.

How do tests work in an online degree program?

Many of our online courses measure comprehension and progress through papers and projects.

However, there are open-book tests throughout your time at Berkshire University Online.

As I am approaching graduation, is there someone who can help me with the job search?

Berkshire University’s Online campus has a comprehensive Career Services Department that is available to help you with crafting a job search strategy, resume preparation, writing cover letters, interview coaching, and more.

Berkshire University has relationships with thousands of employers nationwide and can also help you target the right job opportunities that fit your skill set.

How do I get started?

You may request more information or chat with an admissions advisor by clicking the Request More Information button located throughout our website and filling out the simple form

If I have more questions, who should I contact? (Online information)

If we missed something or you would like more detailed information, please contact us (add a hyperlink or contact form). Our admission advisors standing by and are at your service!

Berkshire University

Classrooms for online study (620 Jessup St Brighton, CO 80601 United States of America)

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00 1719-282-9592

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