

Berkshire University

The Symbol of Global Recognition & Acceptance.

Berkshire University continually strives to deliver high standards in online education to individuals around the globe. To maintain immaculate quality, Berkshire University adapts stringent processes for devising pertinent curricula, evaluation of students, and smooth sailing of the online education system.

European Accreditation Council for Distance Learning

The European Accreditation Council for distance learning (EACDL) was built up to advance quality in separation instruction and preparation, and to give benchmarking, endorsement, and acknowledgment to chief academic officers, presidents, and business senior members who needed an accreditation procedure that was not determined by strict measures identifying with sources of info and assets, yet was mission-driven and results based

EACDL has developed into a main expert accreditation body for schools and colleges whose basic role is brilliance in educating and learning, with well more than 150 individuals and 600 certified programs in the United States and all over the world. The EACDL accomplished a huge point of reference when the finest accreditation agencies in the world recognized EACDL

Gulf Accreditation Commission

GAC is an independent, not-for-profit, and membership-based commission, that improves education standards at all academic institutes of the Gulf region. The commission only accredits educational institutes that follow globally set standards of education and consistently update their curriculum.

Gulf Accreditation Commission

The Gulf Accreditation Commission to the United States is one of the most visible successes of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, as it is the first and fastest multi-economy accreditation agency in the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific to gain international recognition. The Gulf Accreditation Commission to the United States was established with the approval of the ministers concerned with standardization in the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf as an independent body that provides accreditation services to conformity assessment bodies and activities related to accreditation such as training and awareness, as well as representing member states in international forums related to accreditation activities around the world.

International Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology Education

ABETE (International Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology Education) is an international accrediting body for degree-granting post-secondary programs in engineering. IABETE accreditation assures that a college or university program meets the quality standards established in the engineering profession.

IABETE accreditation system encompasses all engineering disciplines and profiles, is internationally recognized, and facilitates both academic and professional mobility. Accredited engineering degrees offer students, their parents advisors, and employers a mark of assurance that the degree program meets the standards defined and set by the engineering profession.

The Global Accreditation Board for Distance Education

GABDE is an international accrediting agency aiming to achieve the standard of academic excellence globally. It is a globally recognized accrediting association dedicated to providing accreditation to academic institutions including, schools, colleges universities, and vocational institutes established in the United States and Canada. It encourages, supports, and evaluates quality assurance processes in various academic institutions to ensure academic excellence.

GABDE has established its quality assurance model after a thorough research of contemporary international standards of excellence. The QA model is expected to be implemented by all educational institutions seeking accreditation licenses from GABDE. The QA model covers institutes various aspects, such as learning and research facilities, overall student performance, curricula, fields of study, etc.

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