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Master of Public Health (MPH)


Berkshire’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program prepares you for leadership positions in health promotion and disease prevention, community mental health, or public health care administration.

This program is offered online and can be completed in as few as 18 months. You will choose from three specializations depending on your area of focus, which include: Health Promotion, Community Mental Health, and Healthcare Administration. In the online MPH degree program, you will learn essential, effective ways to share your knowledge of preventive medicine and establish public health initiatives that make a measurable impact on community and global health. You will learn from diverse and doctoral-trained faculty and have access to internship and networking opportunities designed to prepare you for career success.

Core Requirements

COH 599 Public Health Foundation – 1.50

Includes orientation to the Master of Public Health Program including history, philosophy, values, core functions and the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge. Introduction to the available options for attaining public health foundational competencies and competencies in their chosen MPH specialization. Can be taken concurrently with HCA 600: US Healthcare System. Grading is S/U only.

HCA 600 U.S. Healthcare System – 4.50

US healthcare system overview, including terminology, components of healthcare delivery systems, financing, personnel, regulation, delivery and consumers. Consideration of the effects of public policy on services.

COH 601 Global Public Health – 4.50

Prerequisite: HCA 600

Analysis of global public health with emphasis on defining and evaluating preventive efforts to affect the quantitative, biological, economic, social, political, and behavioral determinants of health. Investigation of burden of disease, social justice and equitable health care. Emphasis on reproductive health, population dynamics, complex humanitarian emergencies, globalization and global cooperation.

COH 602 Biostatistics – 4.50

An introduction to the use of statistical analysis in public health. Provides an understanding of the basic methods and underlying concepts of statistics that are used in public health decision-making. Among topics explored are descriptive statistics, probability, sampling, hypothesis testing and non-parametric statistics.

COH 604 Theories of Health Behavior – 4.50

The theoretical basis of individual health behavior. Application of cognitive, psychosocial and environmental theories of health behavior and theories of self-directed and professionally facilitated health behavior change. Emphasis on Behavior Modification, Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, Social Cognitive Theory, Stress and Coping, Social Support, and Transtheoretical Model.

COH 606 Epidemiology – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 602, or ANA 630

The study of determinants and distribution of disease and disability in human populations. Empirical analysis of population data related to morbidity and mortality. Investigation of disease outbreaks, risk factors, health outcomes and causal relationships. Critical evaluation of public health literature and study design.

COH 611 Public Health Research Methods – 4.50

Fundamentals of research methods and statistical analysis of public health data. Includes principles of research investigation, research design, sampling, measurements, and the use of descriptive and inferential statistics for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Focuses on health survey design, sampling methodologies, questionnaire construction and administration, interviewing, and coding procedures.

COH 612 Health Policy and Advocacy – 4.50

Explores the roles health advocates assume and how individuals working in public health settings might participate in advocacy strategies to affect policy. Focuses on frameworks for conceptualizing and promoting the right to health as well as strategies to give consumers more power in making decisions, defining issues, designing programs, and developing policies.

Requirements for the Specialization in Community Mental Health

COH 623 Mental Health Services – 4.50

US mental healthcare system overview, including terminology, components of healthcare delivery systems, financing, personnel, regulation, delivery and consumers. Focus on the availability, accessibility and acceptability of services to treat mental disorders in the US. Consideration of the effects of public policy on services for the treatment of mental disorders.

COH 627 Mental Health Populations – 4.50

Special focus on individuals with severe and persistent mental conditions. Special consideration will be given to how the contemporary mental health system relates to and is experienced by disadvantaged individuals.

COH 621 PH Aspects of Drug Addiction – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 602

Substance use disorders examined from the public health perspective. Prevention and treatment of substance use disorders to reduce deaths, disability and human suffering in communities.

COH 616 Mental Health Promotion – 4.50

Analysis of the evidence-based programs designed to prevent mental illness. Investigation of applications of evidence-based public health in planning and evaluating programs to prevent mental disorders. Analysis of existent programs, databases and professional literature. Design of mental health services and evaluation of the effectiveness of proposed mental health programs.

COH 614 Psychosocial Epidemiology – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 606

Analysis of the epidemiological study of mental illness. Investigation of contemporary applications of epidemiology in investigating disease distribution and etiology. Emphasis on the use of epidemiological studies to plan mental health services, design prevention programs and to evaluate the effectiveness of mental health programs.

COH 617 PH Aspects of Violence – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 604

Intimate partner violence, child neglect and abuse, assault, homicide, war and terrorism are explored from a public health perspective. Focus on risk factor reduction and prevention of deaths, disability and human suffering.

COH 619 PH Aspects of Human Sexuality – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 604

Exploration of biological, psychological, behavioral and social aspects of health sexuality throughout the lifespan. Community level interventions to promote healthy sexuality.

Health Experience

COH 550 Global Health Experience – 3.00

Demonstrate attainment of public health foundational competencies and specialization competencies through applied practice experience in a global setting. Faculty-led short-term study abroad program. Exploration of the healthcare system and public health issues facing global communities. Tour location and experience the healthcare, economic, political, legal, and cultural environment of a host country. Development of thorough knowledge of global public health through combination of pre-departure study, service learning, on-site lectures and presentations by host country experts and healthcare leaders, post-tour analysis and reflection.

COH 693C Mental Health Experience – 3.00

Recommended: Prior completion of: all core and specialization courses prior to enrolling in COH 693C

Demonstrate attainment of public health foundational competencies and mental health specialization through applied practice experience. Students may either work in a mental health agency planning, implementing and/or evaluating a health promotion program or provide a portfolio that demonstrates alignment of volunteer work with the competencies. Grading is H/S/U only.

Capstone Requirement

COH 694C Mental Health Capstone – 4.50

Recommended: Prior completion of: all core and specialization courses prior to enrolling in COH 694A

Two-month capstone project of original research related to the contemporary practice of public health promotion. Planning and completion of either a data-based analysis, an evaluation of a health promotion program or primary research related to public health promotion. Student project may require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Student produces a high-quality written product. Grading is S/H/U only.

Requirements for the Specialization in Healthcare Administration

HCA 620 Health Organization Management – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 602

Healthcare organization theories and structure, including analyses of managerial functions, relationships, and operations for service delivery. Development of effective service delivery systems. Appreciation of external influences including community, financial institutions, socioeconomic environment, and regulatory agencies. Examination of professional roles, responsibilities, and accountability. Understanding of organizational mission, goals, objectives and priorities.

HCA 626 Healthcare Information Systems** – 4.50

Prerequisite: ANA 630

Effective data and information technology utilization to improve performance in healthcare organizations: including information systems, databases and analytical tools to structure, analyze and present information; legal and ethical issues affecting management of healthcare information.

HCA 622 Quality Appraisal & Evaluation – 4.50

Prerequisite: HCA 600 and HCA 620

Theoretical and practical frameworks to facilitate the continuous improvement of quality in healthcare organizations. Includes data collection, data planning and evaluation. Introduces multiple approaches, including strategy and outcome measurement. Team development, analytical statistics, and process knowledge are central themes, along with culture transformation.

HCA 628 HA Human Resources Management – 4.50

Study of healthcare organization, training, motivation and direction of employees while maintaining high level productivity and morale. Includes selection, compensation, financial incentives, work standards, and leadership principles in healthcare organization.

HCA 663 Healthcare Accounting/Finance – 4.50

Prerequisite: HCA 628

Application of healthcare accounting and finance theories to decisions in healthcare environments. Emphasis on management problems and policy issues regarding allocation of resources, payments systems, capital investments and budgeting.

HCA 624 Healthcare Planning &Marketing – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 611

Strategic planning for healthcare organizations based on the analyses of secondary quantitative and qualitative data about technological, social, political, regulatory, and competitive aspects of the healthcare market. Marketing principles and tools for the development of a healthcare organization marketing plan.

HCA 670 Healthcare Leadership – 4.50

Prerequisite: HCA 624

Concepts of leadership related to current healthcare organizations. Communications – including public relations – team building, negotiation, and conflict resolution considered. Strategic aspects such as vision, viewpoint, and mission included. Managing uncertainty emphasized.

Health Experience

COH 550 Global Health Experience – 3.00

Demonstrate attainment of public health foundational competencies and specialization competencies through applied practice experience in a global setting. Faculty-led short-term study abroad program. Exploration of the healthcare system and public health issues facing global communities. Tour location and experience the healthcare, economic, political, legal, and cultural environment of a host country. Development of thorough knowledge of global public health through combination of pre-departure study, service learning, on-site lectures and presentations by host country experts and healthcare leaders, post-tour analysis and reflection.

COH 693B Healthcare Admin Experience – 3.00

Recommended: Prior completion of: all core and specialization courses prior to enrolling in COH 693B

Demonstrate attainment of public health foundational competencies and healthcare administration specialization through applied practice experience. Students may either work in a healthcare agency applying leadership and management skills or provide a portfolio that demonstrates alignment of volunteer work with the competencies. Grading is H/S/U only.

Requirements for the Specialization in Healthcare Administration

HCA 620 Health Organization Management – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 602

Healthcare organization theories and structure, including analyses of managerial functions, relationships, and operations for service delivery. Development of effective service delivery systems. Appreciation of external influences including community, financial institutions, socioeconomic environment, and regulatory agencies. Examination of professional roles, responsibilities, and accountability. Understanding of organizational mission, goals, objectives and priorities.

HCA 626 Healthcare Information Systems** – 4.50

Prerequisite: ANA 630

Effective data and information technology utilization to improve performance in healthcare organizations: including information systems, databases and analytical tools to structure, analyze and present information; legal and ethical issues affecting management of healthcare information.

HCA 622 Quality Appraisal & Evaluation – 4.50

Prerequisite: HCA 600 and HCA 620

Theoretical and practical frameworks to facilitate the continuous improvement of quality in healthcare organizations. Includes data collection, data planning and evaluation. Introduces multiple approaches, including strategy and outcome measurement. Team development, analytical statistics, and process knowledge are central themes, along with culture transformation.

HCA 628 HA Human Resources Management – 4.50

Study of healthcare organization, training, motivation and direction of employees while maintaining high level productivity and morale. Includes selection, compensation, financial incentives, work standards, and leadership principles in healthcare organization.

HCA 663 Healthcare Accounting/Finance – 4.50

Prerequisite: HCA 628

Application of healthcare accounting and finance theories to decisions in healthcare environments. Emphasis on management problems and policy issues regarding allocation of resources, payments systems, capital investments and budgeting.

HCA 624 Healthcare Planning &Marketing – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 611

Strategic planning for healthcare organizations based on the analyses of secondary quantitative and qualitative data about technological, social, political, regulatory, and competitive aspects of the healthcare market. Marketing principles and tools for the development of a healthcare organization marketing plan.

HCA 670 Healthcare Leadership – 4.50

Prerequisite: HCA 624

Concepts of leadership related to current healthcare organizations. Communications – including public relations – team building, negotiation, and conflict resolution considered. Strategic aspects such as vision, viewpoint, and mission included. Managing uncertainty emphasized.

Capstone Requirement

COH 694B Healthcare Admin Capstone – 4.50

Recommended: Prior completion of: all core and specialization courses prior to enrolling in COH 694B

Two-month capstone project related to the contemporary practice of public health administration. Completion of a training manual, policy statement, business plan, or a program or protocol evaluation report. Student project may require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Student produces a high-quality written product. Grading is S/H/U only.

Requirements for the Specialization in Health Promotion

COH 603 Public Health Biology – 4.50

Biological foundations of public health issues including infectious and chronic diseases. Reproduction and development of disease pathogens and transmission, immune responses and constitution of the host. Anatomical, physiological and cellular foundations for understanding chronic diseases. Focuses on methods for the control and prevention of disease.

COH 608 Public Health & the Enviro – 4.50

Analysis of the health impact of home, workplace, community and global environments. Examines scientific understanding of causes and control of the major environmental health problems. Includes environmental pollutants; physical, chemical, and biological agents of environmental contamination; vectors for dissemination; solid hazardous waste; susceptible populations; biomarkers; and emerging global environmental problems.

COH 605 Public Health Promotion – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 604

Exploration of health status and issues in various communities. Application of the national agenda for health promotion and disease prevention in the United States. Emphasis on health disparities by socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, age, ability and literacy. Examination of diffusion of health innovations throughout communities.

COH 607 Public Health Program Develop – 4.50

Recommended Preparation: COH 604

Development of community-wide interventions to promote health and prevent disease. Systematic design by application of the principles of epidemiology, health behavior and Evidence-Based Public Health. Includes Community-Based Participatory Research and investigation of ethical issues in conducting community-based public health programs.

COH 609 PH Program Evaluation – 4.50

Fundamentals of evaluation methods applied to public health interventions. Effective use of measurement tools to evaluate achievement of program goals and objectives. Includes analysis of validity and reliability of measurement instruments. Emphasis on reach, effectiveness, acceptance, implementation and maintenance of community programs. Includes fundamentals of proposal development.

COH 618 Health Promotion Strategies – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 605 and COH 609

Investigation and evaluation of strategies implemented to promote health in communities. Emphasis on community organization, coalition building, curriculum development, communication theory and technology, social marketing, mass media and ecological models. Critical analysis of interventions that implement each strategy through systematic analysis of public health literature.

COH 613 Public Health Informatics – 4.50

Prerequisite: COH 606

Application of information systems and technology to public health practice and research. Information technologies that support and improve the status of individual and community health. Development, deployment and maintenance of these systems. Effective use of data, information and knowledge tools to build manage, merge, retrieve and analyze public health data.

Health Experience

COH 550 Global Health Experience – 3.00

Demonstrate attainment of public health foundational competencies and specialization competencies through applied practice experience in a global setting. Faculty-led short-term study abroad program. Exploration of the healthcare system and public health issues facing global communities. Tour location and experience the healthcare, economic, political, legal, and cultural environment of a host country. Development of thorough knowledge of global public health through combination of pre-departure study, service learning, on-site lectures and presentations by host country experts and healthcare leaders, post-tour analysis and reflection.

COH 693A Health Promotion Experience – 3.00

Recommended: Prior completion of: all core and specialization courses prior to enrolling in COH 693B

Demonstrate attainment of public health foundational competencies and healthcare administration specialization through applied practice experience. Students may either work in a healthcare agency applying leadership and management skills or provide a portfolio that demonstrates alignment of volunteer work with the competencies. Grading is H/S/U only.

Capstone Requirement

COH 694A Health Promotion Capstone – 4.50

Recommended: Prior completion of: all core and specialization courses prior to enrolling in COH 694A

Two-month capstone project of original research related to the contemporary practice of public health promotion. Planning and completion of either a data-based analysis, an evaluation of a health promotion program or primary research related to public health promotion. Student project may require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Student produces a high-quality written product. Grading is S/H/U only.

Degree and Course Requirements

To receive an MPH degree, students must complete at least 72 quarter units of graduate work, including the core MPH requirements and one area of specialization. A total of 13.5 quarter units of graduate credit may be granted for equivalent graduate work completed at another institution, as it applies to this degree and provided the units were not used in earning another advanced degree.

Refer to the section on graduate admission requirements for specific information regarding application and evaluation.

Program Learning Outcomes

As a graduate of Berkshire.s Master of Public Health program, you will learn the following skill sets:

Analyze and interpret Health Data

Describe the distribution and determinants of disease, disabilities and death in human populations.

Evaluate the environmental factors that affect the health of a community.

Analyze the planning, organization, administration, and policies of health care organizations

Apply the concepts and methods of social justice and behavioral sciences relevant to the identification and solution of public health problems.

Communicate appropriate public health content in writing and through oral presentation in a culturally competent and effective manner


Enrolling in a university is a big decision. That’s why our dedicated admissions team is here to guide you through the admissions process and help you find the right program for you and your career goals.

To that end, we’ve simplified and streamlined our application process, so you can get enrolled in your program right away. Because we accept and review applications year round, you can begin class as soon as next month, depending on your program and location of choice.

Learn more about undergraduate, graduate, military, and international student admissions, plus admissions information for transfer students. You can also learn more about our tuition rates and financial aid opportunities.

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