Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity


The growing and imperative need to protect sensitive personal and financial data from being shared widely online is why many career seekers consider pursuing a cybersecurity degree a worthwhile investment in their future.

Berkshire University’s Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity program prepares students to become top security analysts, network defenders, and computer incident responders with coursework that gives them a comprehensive understanding of information technology management and security processes. Our curriculum is taught by expert faculty with real-world experience so you can gain the competencies needed in the field. Each course is only four weeks long, so the program can be completed in a shorter time frame than a traditional bachelor’s degree.

Foundation Technologies

CYB 202 Introduction to Networking – 4.50

This course provides an introduction to basic network concepts including local area networks, wireless networks, and wide area networks. Network security concepts are also introduced. Students will explore secure router configurations.

CYB 204 Operating System Fundamentals – 4.50

An introduction to the basic architecture and functions of an operating system. Computer hardware and software integration will be explored. Basic design and functionality of the Windows and Linux operating systems will be explored. In addition, core aspects of securing operating systems are covered.

CYB 206 Introduction to Cybersecurity – 4.50

An introductory survey course that explores the fundamental concepts of cybersecurity. Coverage includes the concepts of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, cybersecurity policy, and the ethical and legal aspects of cybersecurity.

CYB 213 Data Fundamentals for Cybersecurity – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 206

The principles of data security are introduced. Students will learn how to protect data in transit and at rest. The technical aspects of implementing encryption, authentication, and access control to protect data will be covered along with the development and implementation of associated policy. Basic database security concepts and guidelines will be covered.

CYB 215 Fund of Virt and Cloud Comp – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 202; CYB 204

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of cloud computing and virtualization. The core cloud deployment and service models will be covered. A comparison of public and private cloud deployments will be conducted. The concepts of devops and continuous integration will be introduced.

CYB 216 Programming for Cybersecurity – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 215

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of programming for cybersecurity professionals. A survey of program tools will be conducted. The use of PowerShell, scripting, and python to implement system security will be covered in this class.

First Core Sequence

CYB 331 Secure Linux System Admin – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 216

This course covers the secure administration of Linux based systems. Students will learn how to implement and assess standards based security measures on the Linux operating systems. Automating the implementation and assessment of security measures will be a core component of the class. Legal and ethical aspects of system administration will also be covered.

CYB 332 Secure Windows Administration – 4.50

This course covers the secure administration of Windows based Desktop and server systems. Students will learn how to implement and assess standards based security measures on Windows based operating systems. Automating the implementation and assessment of security measures will be a core component of the class. Legal and ethical aspects of system administration will also be covered.

CYB 333 Security Automation – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 331; CYB 332

This course builds on CYB 216 and covers advanced topics in security automation. Students will learn how to manage security related code in a software repository. Students will write integrated scripts to implement and assess system security. Use of devops automation tools to securely manage infrastructure will also be covered.

CYB 320 Tech Writing/Proj Mgnt for CYB – 4.50

Provides instruction and practice on the writing skills needed to create clear and concise technical documents. Students will understand how to explain technical topics to non-technical leadership. The Project planning and management concepts will be introduced.

CYB 340 Sys Sec Arch for Cybersec – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 333

An explanation of the development and design of system architectures that meet cybersecurity requirements. Students will examine methods to translate technology and environmental conditions (e.g., law and regulation) into system and security design.

Second Course Sequence

CYB 420 Sec Audit and Assessments – 4.50

Recommended: Prior completion of: CYB 340 At least 13.5 units of the first core sequence must be completed before this course.

An examination of the various tools and frameworks to conduct a system/network security audit or assessment. Various IT audit frameworks, government and non-government, will be covered. Legal and ethical aspects of IT auditing and assessment will be covered.

CYB 450 Cyber Threat Intelligence – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 340

An exploration of the tools and techniques to collect and analyze cyber threat information. The class will cover the collection and analysis of log data, threat intelligence data, and Indicators of Compromise to detect malicious activity.

CYB 451 Incident Handling/Response – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 340

An examination of the tools and methods for incident response. Topics include preparation data collection, incident analysis preserving data, and recovery. The legal and ethical aspects of incident response will also be covered.

CYB 452 Intro to Ethical Hacking – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 340

This course examines common ethical hacking methods along with hands-on application of security tools to test network and systems security. The planning and execution of a penetration test will be covered. The legal and ethical aspects of penetration testing will be discussed.

CYB 453 Network Defense – 4.50

A detailed examination on the concepts of network defense and the various tools to protect and monitor a network. Students will learn how to implement an Intrusion Detection System, conduct network monitoring traffic analysis, and honeypots. Development of associated policy will also be covered.

CYB 454 Cybersec Planning and Policy – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 340

A detailed examination on the development of organizational cybersecurity policy that meet an organization’s compliance requirements and business goals. The creation of a cost benefit analysis when developing policy and system requirements.


CYB 499A Cybersecurity Project I – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 460; CYB 461; CYB 462; CYB 463, or CYB 470; CYB 471; CYB 472; CYB 473, or CYB 480; CYB 481; CYB 482; CYB 483

A capstone project focused on applying the knowledge and concepts learned through this program. Students will work as an individual or in a team to complete a practical or research related cybersecurity project. Grading is H, S or U only.

CYB 499B Cybersecurity Project II – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 499A

This course is a continuation of CYB 499A and continues the application of knowledge in the selected topic. Grading is H, S or U only.

CYB 499C Cybersecurity Project III – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 499B

This course is a continuation of CYB 499B and continues the application of knowledge in the selected topic. Students will present their findings to a panel of academic and business professionals. Grading is H, S or U only.

Concentration in Computer Network Defense

CYB 460 Operating System Security – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 420 and completion of all core CYB classes before starting the concentration; CYB 450; CYB 451; CYB 452; CYB 453; CYB 454

An advanced examination of securing Windows and Linux operating systems. Detecting and preventing operating system attack will also be covered. The course will focus on the use of security automation tools to secure and monitor multiple operating systems.

CYB 461 Wireless and Mobile Security – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 460

An advanced examination of wireless and mobile security. Students will learn how to secure a wireless network against a common baseline. Planning and implementation of the secure deployment of mobile device in an enterprise will be covered. An examination of wireless attack methods and mobile malware will be conducted.

CYB 462 Cloud and Virtualization Sec – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 460

An advanced examination of cloud and virtualization security concepts. Students will learn common hypervisor security tools and techniques. Security issues related to the different cloud service models will be covered. Hypervisor threats and attacks will be examined. Students will secure images in a public cloud environment.

CYB 463 Advanced Network Defense – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 460

Students will learn advanced techniques for network defense including the use of intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, firewalls, and virtual private networks. Design and integration of different network defense tools will also be covered.

Concentration in Digital Forensics

CYB 470 Intro to Digital Forensics – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 420 and completion of all core CYB classes before starting the concentration; CYB 450; CYB 451; CYB 452; CYB 453; CYB 454

Introduction of computer forensic principles. The class explores the concepts of admissibility of electronic evidence, preparing for e-evidence collection, and conducting a digital forensic examination of computers. Legal and ethical requirements of a digital investigator are also covered.

CYB 471 Operating Systems Forensics – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 470

This course provides an overview for collecting digital evidence from a Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. Operating specific tools and techniques for collecting file information, log information, data artifacts, web history and computer memory are explored.

CYB 472 Network Forensics – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 470

In this class, students learn the tools and techniques to collect and analyze network data to support a digital investigation. Students will gain practical experience by analyzing network traffic captures. Legal and ethical requirements of a network forensics investigation are also covered. Correlation of data from other sources will also be examined.

CYB 473 Mobile Device Forensics – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 470

Students will learn how to collect and analyze digital evidence from mobile devices. The tools and techniques that are unique for mobile device forensics like acquisition, physical isolation, sim cards, and file system recovery will be covered. Extraction of geolocation data and other cellular data will also be explored.

Concentration in Information Technology Management

CYB 480 IT Hardware – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 420; CYB 450; CYB 451; CYB 452; CYB 453; CYB 454

This course provides an understanding of the internal and external components of an information technology (IT) system. The course contains an overview of internal components and broadens out to an entire IT system. Students will be introduced to the proper installation, security, and administration of components of an IT system. In addition, network, mobile, IoT, and printer terminology, concepts, troubleshooting, and security fundamentals are also covered.

CYB 481 Data/Database Security – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 480

An in-depth exploration of various tools and controls designed to preserve and protect data and databases against compromises of their confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Included is an introduction to how databases are created, populated, administered, and secured.

CYB 482 Network Administration – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 481

This course expands on the skills and knowledge needed to administer, maintain, and secure an organizations LAN/WAN infrastructure. Topics include identifying threats, vulnerabilities, and assets that facilitate in planning, risk analysis, and implementation of security policies. In addition, legal, ethical, and professional challenges are examined.

CYB 483 Cloud Management – 4.50

Prerequisite: CYB 482

Introduction to cloud management from both a business and technical perspective. The focus will be on the management of cloud networks, including data storage, processing, and management. Topics include cloud services, architecture, deployment strategies, administration, security, and legal, ethical, and professional challenges.

Degree and Course Requirements

To receive a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity, students must complete at least 180 quarter units, 45 of which must be completed in residence atBerkshireUniversity, 81 of which must be completed at the upper-division level, and a minimum 69 units of the University General Education requirements. In the absence of transfer credit, additional general electives may be necessary to satisfy total units for the degree. Students should refer to the section on undergraduate admission procedures for specific information on admission and evaluation. All students receiving an undergraduate degree in Nevada are required by State Law to complete a course in Nevada Constitution.

Program Learning Outcomes

Analyze a problem and design the cybersecurity measures appropriate to its solution.

Apply concepts of best practices in cybersecurity management to enterprise processes.

Describe the ethical challenges that confront a cybersecurity professional.

Apply security control principles in the construction of cybersecurity solutions.

Demonstrate written and oral communication skills expected of a cybersecurity professional.

Demonstrate the ability to securely administer a Windows and Linux system using security automation tools and techniques.

Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental concepts of operating systems, networks, and cloud computing.


Enrolling in a university is a big decision. That’s why our dedicated admissions team is here to guide you through the admissions process and help you find the right program for you and your career goals.

To that end, we’ve simplified and streamlined our application process, so you can get enrolled in your program right away. Because we accept and review applications year-round, you can begin class as soon as next month, depending on your program and location of choice.

Learn more about undergraduate, graduate, military, and international student admissions, plus admissions information for transfer students. You can also learn more about our tuition rates and financial aid opportunities.

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