Ed.D. in Organizational Innovation


The Ed.D. in Organizational Innovation program is focused on preparing visionary and leading-edge change agents, complex problem-solvers, and effective leaders of various types of educational enterprises including education, government, business, healthcare, military and nonprofit agencies to innovate and provide new solutions in a time of rapid changes in our society.

The program prepares adaptable professionals who are able to innovate, generate creative solutions, and facilitate positive change and organizational transformation in their professional capacity. Learners are provided expanded viewpoints relative to problem identification and applied resolution strategies in education/organizational ecosystems that can be volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. The program evolves leaders who are adaptable and demonstrate the ability to disrupt the status quo with creative and useful innovations that lead to change and transformation that is viewed as impactful and is valued.

Program Requirements

EDD 800 Intro to Innovation in Ed – 9.00

Perspective on branches of organizational theory related to structure, development, leadership, behavior and processes. In-depth analysis on and evaluation of organizational development and planned change, as applied to implementing innovation within educational institutions, to decipher best practices.

EDD 805 Innovation Theories & Applic – 9.00

Perspectives on the nature of innovation, the stages of innovation, and ecosystems and strategies associated with invention, innovation, and the diffusion of innovation. In-depth analysis on and evaluation of the diffusion of innovation within organizational settings, with specific applications to educational enterprises, to decipher best practices.

EDD 810 Theories, Methods of Inquiry – 9.00

An overview of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research designs with an emphasis on intervention evaluation research. In addition, an overview of statistics will be conducted within all three designs. The candidate is encouraged to use her or his problem of practice and/or innovative design of practice as the lens through which each of these research designs are examined.

EDD 815 Seminar in Exemplary Pract – 9.00

Case study analysis of innovation in different industries, deciphering lessons and best practices. Culminating case analysis of innovation in educational enterprises, collaboratively developing exemplary practices based on seminar learning.

EDD 820 Consult, Collab & Ethical Prac – 9.00

An examination of the concepts of consultation, collaboration, and ethical practice as they pertain to innovative leadership in an educational context. Skills, required for consulting with organizations seeking outside expertise (skills such as effective communication) are demonstrated through role play. Collaboration skills are gained by enacting them within the candidate’s organization (e.g., leading a task force). The concept of ethical practice is investigated through case study analysis, and demonstrated through self-reflection based on the candidate’s work in her or his organization.

EDD 825 Culm Project Proposal – 9.00

Action research design is examined; candidates analyze their program of practice based on tenets of this design. Upon completion of the course, the candidate will have a proposal design ready to defend at the Second Annual Formative Assessment, and be prepared to collect data for her or his problem of practice project.

EDD 830 Knowledge Mgt for Innovation – 9.00

The examination of knowledge management principles within and across organizations, utilizing various knowledge management models, but with an emphasis on understanding of data, information, knowledge, and application in educational enterprises. Special treatment of knowledge management relative to data science as it pertains to analytics and big data applications

EDD 835 Emerg Issues & Trends – 9.00

An examination of innovations and innovative trends within a multitude of contexts including, but not limited to, education. Case studies of innovative practice from industry, non-profit, and government organizations are analyzed. Reflection of the candidate’s own organization as well her or his problem of practice project enhances the examination of innovation.

EDD 840 Culminating Project – 9.00

The finalized problem of practice project becomes the Culminating Project and is aligned to all Program Learning Outcomes. This project will be defended at the conclusion of these course based on a program-approved rubric. The course is designed to allow the candidate and the Advisor to work in a one-on-one fashion, but also collaborate with committee members, when necessary. Teleconferencing sessions are used to connect candidates within the cohort throughout the 12-week experience.

Optional Course Requirements

EDD 804 Individual Support/ Mentoring – 1.00

This course provides additional support for students who need additional faculty support in completing a particular course. The program director in consultation with the student will determine the need for this course.

Degree and Course Requirements

The Ed.D. in Organizational Innovation is designed as both interdisciplinary and interagency program with a focus on creating visionary change agents and leaders who are involved at a high level with an education enterprise in a variety of organizations such as, government, military, business, community, education, non-profits, health care, and nursing. In this program, candidates will stay current with changes, understand how to view a problem of practice that would require an innovative approach. The program encourages candidates to learn from their own discipline as well as colleagues in other disciplines ensuring candidates have a rich experience. The program is seeking applicants who bring work experience in innovation, have strong communication skills and are prepared for the rigors of doctoral studies.

Completed Online Application Form and Fee

An earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution

An earned master’s degree from an accredited institution with a minimum 3.0 grade-point average

Curriculum Vitae or Resume

Employer Endorsement Letter

Two Letters of Reference which speak to the applicant’s innovation, communication skills, and the preparedness for doctoral studies

Problem of Practice Statement- This statement explains a problem of practice in your organization that you have thought about and would like to explore further. You are describing the problem and your thoughts about the parameters of the problem. It should be no longer than 1500 words.

Official transcripts which include all college and university coursework.

International candidates: Applicants whose native language is not English are required to demonstrate English proficiency by providing proof of a minimum score of 213 on the computer-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam or 6.0 on the International English Testing System (IELTS) exam.

All applications will be reviewed by the Doctoral Faculty Admissions Committee. No single criterion alone determines the Doctoral Faculty Admissions Committee’s decision to admit or deny an applicant. After review of all candidates, selected candidates will be invited to an interview as well as asked to complete a writing sample as part of the interview process.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

Evaluate internal and external factors that influence consideration of innovation adoption in educational enterprises.

Examine human and organizational dynamics that influence implementation of innovation in educational enterprises.

Analysis of relevant innovation and organizational theories influencing contemporary educational enterprises.

Engage contemporary systems of data analysis that inform decisions pertaining to change in educational enterprises.

Examine contemporary methodologies to incorporate human and organizational dynamics into the evaluation of innovation initiatives.

Generate alternative solutions in determining whether to adopt an innovation into an educational enterprise.


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