Bachelor Degree in International Business

Bachelor Degree in International Business

Have you ever placed your finger on a globe, closed your eyes, and gave it a spin to see what country you would land in? For some, that was a fun game. For others it was the beginning of a bigger dream.

If you look at the tag of your shirt, the car you drive, or your favorite piece of technology, you’ll see that international influences are everywhere. When it comes to a career in international business, you can imagine your options span latitudes and longitudes. So whether your big dream involves doing business with partners in countries half way around the world or on your own home turf—whether it involves living in another land or closing the next big business deal over Skype™—a world of opportunities await you.

A Degree that Works

The International Business major is not industry-specific; therefore, you can find internships, practicums, and employment within any industry of your choice, within the United States or abroad.

Graduates in this major:

The International Business major is not industry-specific. You can apply for a position in any business of your choice, both in manufacturing and service industries. The types of companies where past graduates have found employment are: airlinesbankshotels,resortsfinancial services firmsmanufacturing industries, and retail, to name a few. Employment opportunities also exist in government departments and thediplomatic corps. It is also a good major to take if you with to pursue graduate studies in business or law.

Positions held by graduates of our program include:

  • CEO
  • Assistant Manager
  • District Manager
  • General Manager
  • Marketing Specialist
  • CRM Consultant

You will find our graduates working around the globe for companies such as:

  • Accenture Management Consulting Services (Finland)
  • Elite Aviation LLC (Germany)
  • FourS Consulting SL (Spain)
  • General Motors Company (Kansas)ItzCash (India)BT’s Marine Services

Education in Action

  • Since your work will most likely involve regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own language will give you an advantage. You will study a second language for four semesters (unless your first language is not English, or you can establish proficiency in another language) while at Northwood.
  • Learn in a distant land! Experience 10-day to semester-length Study Abroad programs or choose to study at one of our International Program Centers located around the world. Not only will you come back with great memories and stories, you’ll also have something amazing to put on your resume!
  • The International Business program has historically attracted international students in large numbers. These students provide a huge opportunity for you to learn about other cultures.
  • Meet and network with guest speakers from local companies who have vast experience in the global business arena.

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July 2024

Business Management